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In a garage outside of Cambridge, England sit two vintage race cars. A ‘69 Lotus and an ‘82 Dallara. Together, they not only give Lodal its name but also serve as a reminder of where it all began. It was a childhood of tinkering, on race cars and a thousand other projects, that set brothers Mike and Andy Jones on the path to becoming engineers and lovers of adventure.

Mike is a surfer, kitesurfer and skier who designs high performance outboard engines. Andy, an aeronautical engineer, is a wanderer, adventurer and entrepreneur with a background in supercar design. Collectively, if it goes scary-fast, the Jones brothers can probably build it.

So, Mike came to Andy with a possibility. What if his daily driver could moonlight as the ultimate adventure basecamp? Mike wanted to have his cake and shred it too. Could he be in a wetsuit at 6am and a business suit at 8am? He wanted to spend as much time on the trail as he did in the boardroom. He gave Andy a call and asked: Bro, can we design something?

With Mike in the UK and Andy in New Zealand, countless drawings were sent back and forth. Details were hammered out over late night phone calls and early morning video chats. A prototype emerged and a new generation of adventure outfitting was born

Meet the Team
